It seems that I have a tendency to take on too many things at once. Probably won't ever change but I'm finally straddling down and figuring out what I can and cannot handle. Unfortunately, the bikini/fitness competition is one of those things that I cannot handle right now for a few (I think really good) reasons.
Matt and I are searching for an apartment for March or April. Everything that is involved with moving is becoming quite a bit to deal with. And since we go back and forth from my parent's house to his parent's house every two weeks we don't exactly have a stable lifestyle or our own kitchen. Which makes it very, very hard to diet for the competition.
2. I am studying to become a level 2 trainer at work. Currently I am a level 1. Along with this promotion comes reading a very large and dry fitness book and about 12-15 fitness related articles, an exam and a practical exam with my boss's boss. Definitely want to impress him here so I'm putting a lot of my spare time into preparing.
3. I got accepted to the
Les Mills Instructor program for
Bodyflow. If you haven't heard of Bodyflow it is a Les Mills group exercise class that combines yoga, pilates and tai chi. And the certification process is pretty intense. I already completed and passed my try outs for the program. Now I am awaiting my materials to study for the 2 day course (first weekend in March). After that weekend I get paired up with a certified instructor and I shadow/teach classes with them for 3 months. At the end of the 3 months I have to video tape myself teaching a full class, send it to head office and they determine whether or not I am ready to be an instructor and take on my own classes.
So, as you can see, the next 3-4 months is going to be busy, busy, busy. I have all of this plus training my clients, finding a few new ones once I become level 2, spending time with Matt and try to be a bit social with friends and family. I do intend to do a lot more research and talk about competitions in the future (even plan on going to the
NSABBA one) but for now I'll be chatting about all of the above and whatever else comes to mind. I do plan on competing next year though. :)