I can't believe it is March already. How did this happen? I think February being a shorter month made it fly by more quickly. That being said, March can fly by too if it wants to because I am ready for some warmer weather!!
February's Wishes
1. Post 3x/week - I think I did pretty good with this goal last month. I ended up with 11 posts for the month which is an average of 3 per week. I'm definitely getting into the habit of blogging more so I should be able to maintain this for the next while. Then jumping up to 4/week!2. Practice yoga 3x/week - This was a total bust this month. My wrist was actually the worst it has been this month so I didn't want to aggravate it any more than necessary. One of my goals for this month though should help to strengthen it. Hopefully a regular yoga practice is in my not too distant future :)
3. Spend more time reading - I think I did a fantastic job with this one! I ended up finishing The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and I'm about 2/3 of the way through Think Like A Man, Act Like A Lady by Steve Harvey. I watched the movie for this book and trust me, the book is just as good as the movie. Reviews for these books are on the way :)
March Wishes
1. Get back to the gym - As you may know, I used to be a personal trainer at a local gym. When I stopped personal training I had gotten so sick of that environment that I didn't get a gym membership when I left. Since then I have gained almost 20lbs!! I guess I'm carrying it well because no one has really noticed but it has been making me very self conscious. Since I can't go to yoga classes and Matt gets a great gym membership deal through work, we have decided to get back to the gym together.2. Launch the new blog design - Now that this is becoming more a part of my life, I really want an online space I can be proud of. Therefore, I have been browsing the templates available online and have found one I absolutely adore! I will be making some modifications to it and then launching the new design before the end of the month! Stay tuned :)
3. Dedicate time each week to calligraphy/art projects - I have been getting the creativity bug like crazy the past few weeks. So my mom and I signed up for an online calligraphy course. I haven't gotten my supplies yet in the mail but as soon as I do, I will be carving out time in my daily schedule to start learning the techniques. Until then I will be working on the other craft projects that always seem to be on the go in our house. ;)
4. Plant my seeds for spring - I like to think I have a green finger but the truth is, I kind of just stumble my way through with gardening. This year Matt and I will be focusing on having our own little sanctuary on our tiny balcony and I would like to have some plants on display there. So far I have lavender, cherry tomatoes and basil to plant. Do you have any gardening tips to share? I could definitely use them!
What are you going to be focusing on accomplishing this month??
Good luck with everything! I look forward to seeing your new blog design! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I'm really excited about the design :)